2018년 8월 30일 목요일
Summer Story of SunSook's Family
Author: Yoon Sun Sook
Painter: Jang Hyung Jun
Photographer: Yoon Sun Sook or ...
One Sunday my family went to the Wang-San beach in Incheon Ulwangli.
Nowdays my children are getting out of hand.
So they woke up late, we started in the afternoon.
That day was so hot.
We couldn't go into the sea, when we reached the beach.
So we were in the cafe, 'Tom and Tomes' near by beach.
We talked a lot one another, ate honey butter bread and drank tea or coffee.
We read a book, too.
At 4:40 my son wanted to go to the beach but I didn't want to.
When I got into the sea, it was much better than what I saw outside.
It was so cool.
We had a good time.
I recommand to get into the sea not just watch.
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I really enjoyed your writing.
답글삭제I can feel your love of your family.
Hyung Jun and SeWon looked so excited.
I'm so impressed by HyungJun's paintings.
He is a real artist!
If you have any other story to share, just let me know!